1. How can I place an order?
You can place your order directly on our website or via WhatsApp.
Once you have added your desired items in cart you can checkout, use your preferred payment option ( COD, Card Payment or via Online Bank Transfer). Please ensure complete address details are entered and the phone number placed is active.

2. How are orders confirmed?
One of our customer care representative will contact you via WhatsApp or on Call.

3. Can orders be modified?
Yes. Before your order is confirmed you can make any changes or cancellations. Once order is processed for dispatch our Return and Exchange policy will be applicable.
If you have any special requests please mention to your customer care representative while confirming the order.

4. Can online Orders be exchanged or returned at any our outlets?
Yes. We offer a No Questions Asked Refund & Exchange policy.

5. What payment options are available?
1. Cash on Delivery
2. Card Payments
3. Online Bank Transfer

6. Is International Shipping Available?
Yes, now you can enjoy our products from anywhere. Freight charges applicable. Orders will have to be paid online.

For more information please get in touch WhatsApp: 0300-0409111